Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas Eve

We drove into Denver on Christmas Eve and got to spend a whole week with the Jones Fam. Anna did really great in the car. Anna met the rest of the Jones's for the first time and loved being the youngest baby in the bunch. 10 little kids running all over the house made for an awesome Christmas.

Sorry for the fuzz. Here is one of a few of the Christmas trees my mother decorated.

This trip Anna had an especially good time with her sweet Aunt Jessica.

Anna and Daddy

Berklie "Umm..excuse, but I would like to get down now."

All the boys sitting around talking about their favorite episode of The Bachelor. J/k

After the kids sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, Grams hooked them up with some cupcakes.

JoJo and previously mentioned cupcake

Macey loved playing with little Anna and was getting her to smile all the time.

We had a short adult Christmas Eve program and afterwards we set up a live nativity with all of the kids. Cambel was enjoying the songs while sitting with Grams.

Tanner was a wise man (or should I say wise guy? :)


The brood

Anna was baby Jesus this year

Grams and Poppy always think of the funnest things for the grandkids. here we have most of the kids in the wagon, santa hats on, jingle bells going nonstop, singing at the top of their lungs and the biggest smiles of course.

Cambel having some one-on-one time with his Uncle Chase

All weekend long whenever I walked into the room three-year-old Cambel would announce that whatever he was doing it did not involve me. For example, I am walking down the stairs, just woke up and Cambel announces, "We're eating breakfast without you." What do you say to that? When I was a little more awake I thought of some good responses, like "Oh yeah, I can tie my own shoes, so there." I am still working on some better comebacks :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a pretty sweet time... Baby Jesus' manger bed looks pretty comfy if you ask me. I bet Anna will agree! I wish I could have been there for the wagon ride.

    Let's do that next time you guys come ok?
