Sunday, December 5, 2010

I sumbit to you the first ponytail!


  1. I ADORE it. You know I do. But I must take issue with the wordage. This is, quite technically, a "sprout." The "sprout" must stick straight up from the top of the head because the hairs are not long enough to lay down. A "pony tail" is more toward the back of the head, and the hairs must lay down a bit. These are the correct definitions. ;)

    But the SPROUT is ADORABLE!

  2. OK, I'm WAY late on this . . . but this might just be the cutest thing I have seen in . . . Oh, I don't know how long. Can our little Anna really have enough hair for a pony tail!? So, So,So cute! Thanks for sharing the adorableness!


  3. So, my word verification was "stinken" Now I wish I would have said that Anna's pony tail was stinken cute! Cuz is was!

