Saturday, July 23, 2011

Howdy cowboy

The last time I went to a rodeo I think I was like four. And I think it was a stock show which I now realize is definitely not the same. Two days ago we went to the Rodeo with Gma Weed, Leah, Landon, and Logan. I had a blast. If you have never been to the rodeo, its kind of a shock to watch someone ride a buckin' bronco, but entertaining nonetheless. I would go back anytime (if it only costs us five bucks of course)

I think buckin' bronco is the understatement of the century. Or maybe this city girl needs to spend more time in the country.

A few weeks ago we were at the party store and discovered Anna loves trying on hats. So we couldn't resist the cowboy hats.

"Okay got the hat, now where is my horse?" -Logan

My favorite cowboy

The Putnams


  1. Looks like a good ol' time at the Rodeoooo!

  2. I know I don't update my blog... but, I'm waiting for you to update yours!
    Let me know if you're moving...
