Thursday, December 8, 2011

Grams is in town

My Mom is spending two weeks taking care of all of us while we adjust to our new family of four. She is amazing and has been doing everything. I'll I have to do is eat, sleep, and feed the baby. In other words I am doing really awesome, but am dreading the day when I have to face the reality of having two kids at home.

Not only has Grams introduced Anna to silverware, she did it the right way, with razzleberry pie!

Anna + whip cream = 1 quiet and busy toddler (which also equals one happy mama)

Not only did Grams take care of Anna and took her on some outings, she put up all my Christmas decorations.

And Grams made sure that all of us are getting enough sleep. Love you Mom


  1. Anna doesn't look happy about looking so cute in her little coat and hat get up! :) So cute! And Chase looks like a GIANT with little CJ. Very sweet picture. :)

  2. I'm so glad your mom came and I'm so glad I got to meet her! Can't wait to see you tomorrow night!
